Choose your membership level

                                                                                 The Rotary Club of Carolina Forest Sunrise

                                                                            offers different levels of membership including

                                                                                full, senior, honorary, and E-memberships

  • Full Active Membership
  • $200/Quarterly
  • Quarterly dues
  • Attend regular meetings
  • Engagement in giving service to the community
  • Encouraged to suggest new project ideas
  • Vote on club matters
  • Eligible to hold an officer position
  • Wear your Rotary pin with pride
  • Use your professional skills and talents to make a difference
  • Welcome to attend any other Rotary club meeting around the world
  • Senior Active Membership
  • $250/Quarterly
  • Eligible with: 15 years active membership or 60 years of age with 10+ years of active membership or 65 years of age with 5+ years of active membership or held an International office
  • Vote on club matters
  • Eligible to hold an officer position
  • Wear your Rotary pin with pride
  • Use your professional skills and talents to make a difference
  • Welcome to attend any other Rotary club meeting around the world
  • E-Membership (Socially Distant)
  • $100/Month
  • Quarterly dues
  • Attend regular meetings online
  • Engagement in giving service to the community
  • Encouraged to suggest new project ideas
  • Vote on club matters
  • Eligible to hold an officer position
  • Wear your Rotary pin with pride
  • Use your professional skills and talents to make a difference
  • Welcome to attend any other Rotary club meeting around the world
  • Honorary Membership
  • $
  • Recognizes those who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service and embody Rotary ideals
  • Considered a "Friend of Rotary" for support of Rotary causes
  • Exempt from dues
  • No vote in club matters
  • Ineligible to hold an office position

                                                              Who can join?

                                                         We’re looking for people who want to give back to their communities. 

                                We welcome people of all ages, backgrounds, and professions who qualify for membership.